Is disorganization slowing you down and making you crazy?
Maybe it's time for a Systems Detox! We'll evaluate your current systems to see how we can streamline your processes to add more hours to your day.
Is your business eating up all your day-to-day time? Are you becoming more stressed each day wondering how you will accomplish everything? As exciting as it is when your business takes off, if the proper systems and processes aren't in place, it can feel like your business is running YOU!
My name is Kena Roth. I’ve been working virtually since 2006 helping clients get to the crux of their processes, streamlining them in a way that saves them hours, and assisting them with getting to the next level in their business.
Let's detox and streamline your current systems and processes to give you more hours in your day.
Systems Detox is right for you if...
- Your business has grown but your systems haven't.
- It feel like your business is eating up all your day-to-day time.
- Your to-do list is overwhelming and you're wondering how you can accomplish everything.
- You feel disorganized and bogged down with administrative tasks.
- You feel like your business is running YOU!
Sound like you?
Then it's time for a Systems Detox. Let's streamline and systematize your processes so you have more time to do what you love.
Ready to streamline and systematize your business?
What you get...
4 weeks of 1 hour calls - During our calls, we'll discuss your current business systems and create a plan to save you time and bring sanity back to your day. Being organized is the first step to reclaiming freedom from your business.
You also receive unlimited email and Skype access to me for questions and consultation during those 4 weeks and for 2 weeks after our last session - $350